Saturday, September 5, 2009

Comfort me

This recipe courtesy of Cat Cora (Iron Chef)
I'm sorry to report that I did not grow up with very many "comfort foods"; but I am thrilled to have stumbled upon this recipe, for it became an instant classic for me and I hope my kids will enjoy it as they grow up. Plus, it's a perfect use for my leftover rice...
I love the texture of this rice pudding and how good it feels in my belly when it is warmed.
This can be eaten hot or cold, morning or night.
Place 2 cups cooked brown rice in a large bowl and rinse with cold water, drain well.
Pour 2 1/2 cups low-fat milk into a saucepan and place over medium-high heat. Add 1 teaspoon of cinnamon and vanilla and bring to a low boil.
Turn the heat down to low and whisk in 1/4 cup sugar, 1/8 teaspoon salt and the zest of one lemon. (If you don't have a lemon lying around, just skip it.)
Crack one egg into a small bowl and beat. Pour about 1/4-cup of the hot milk slowly into the beaten egg, whisking constantly. This will "temper" the egg and prevent it from scrambling.
Pour your tempered egg mixture back into the saucepan and stir. Add the rice and stir continuously over low heat until the mixture begins to thicken, about 20 minutes. (Next time I think I'll bribe one of the kids to do this step for me.)
Add 1 1/2 teaspoons unsalted butter and stir. Sprinkle with another 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and serve.
*Serving Suggestion* Top with granola and a drizzle of honey. Serve warm with milk in bowls.
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